Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Not your problem?

So the other day at work I asked this man if he would like to donate $1 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. He replied, "I have enough problems of my own to worry about someone else's." I just proceeded to take his order, but couldn't help but thinking about what he said.

Last week I was at Dobbs Honda getting my oil changed. I overheard a woman in the waiting room commenting about the news on tv. She was complaining about the U.S. always helping out other countries. She said, "They have wars, tsunamis, earthquakes, and we always run to their rescue. It's not our problem!" I wanted to yell at her and say, "Do realize what you just said?!?!" "It's not our problem?"

Yesterday I was driving home through a 4-way stop and I saw that one part of the 4-way stop was backed up at least 15 cars, and the car at the front had died. Two men were trying to push it out of the way, but were having trouble. And out of however many cars, no one else could get out to help??? I guess it wasn't their problem.

I could start listing all of the things wrong with this attitude, but I won't even start. I might hit somebody.

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