Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When do boys become men?

I just have to get this off my chest... I'm so tired of boys. Bad ones, ones with no ambition, inconsistent, no integrity, followers, no leadership... those kinds of boys more specifically. What's the deal??? I'm totally content with where I am right now and perfectly happy being single. That's not the point. I just wish there were more guys out there to STEP UP AND BE A MAN! A man recklessly pursuing God, that doesn't care about what the world says, is totally in love with God, a man of integrity in a world of decaying morals, a man bold about his faith, a spiritual leader who challenges those around him.... That's the kind of guy I long to see. Yes, they're out there, but right now they just seem so few. Once again, I'm not saying this because I'm desperate to date right now. I'm having a blast just kickin' it with me and Jesus-- my lover. I just wish the guys could see the type of guy that they could be. The type of guys that I totally admire... ;)

1 comment:

Adam Robinson said...

it's a good question...i think it's when we give up the silliness of being what the world calls men, and learn to be what Jesus was/is...a REAL man. which can be hard. but don't give up on our gender, there are good ones out there!

and also...singleness is pretty cool huh? i happen to love it...and i'm pretty sure it's because i'm relying solely on God...and experiencing His love...which is so much better than shallow relationships i've had with girls. yeah it's pretty awesome.

sorry i wrote a lot! but hey...get over it. ;)

have a good one!