So just a snapshot of what the Lord has been doing lately in my life…
One of the girls in my small group finally gave her life to the Lord two weeks ago and it was absolutely amazing! I’ve been praying for this girl for at least a year and talking to her about salvation. She finally surrendered to God. :) I’ve been so excited! I actually dedicated a post to her back in December entitled “Lovely Sad Eyes.” I have been able to see the sadness turn to joy. What a remarkable God I serve!
One of my best friends got married. She’s the first of my close friends to tie the knot. It’s been an adjustment, but I’m so happy for them. The Lord has had His hand on them from the very beginning and I have been so blessed to see the Lord work in their lives. May God receive all honor and glory from their lives as they are joined together!
I’ve come to a place that is so cherished, but often forsaken—satisfaction in the Lord. Contentment in singleness.
The Lord has brought me through a struggle with depression and given me joy that comes from Him alone.
The Lord has taught me the balance between pouring out and being filled. He has shown me my Martha tendency and drawn me to His feet. I understand that story more than I ever have.
Every plan that I have ever made has been turned on its head. I’ve learned not to make plans, but instead trust God with the future and follow each step as He leads. The adventure is sweeter like that anyway. :)
The Lord has opened my eyes to the enormous mission field here in my backyard. I have fallen in love with it. I only pray that my desire to share God’s love grows as each day passes. In the words of Ann Kiemel, “I’m out to change my world!” Read her book if you need a little inspiration! Oh and Crazy Love by Francis Chan too!
Recent cd purchases: City of Black & White by Mat Kearney, Not without Love by Jimmy Needham, & Kari Jobe (self-titled)
All amazing!
Pray for me. I need more of Jesus, I’m full of failures, I have struggles, I’m sinful, I waste time, and I’m prideful. Like I said, I need more of Jesus.
I quit my job at the end of May. Everyone thinks I’m crazy. It’s okay, I had my reasons and I haven’t regretted it. However, it’s been humbling and I’m trusting the Lord more deeply.
I will be attending the University of Memphis in the fall. I’m totally stoked, but also kinda nervous. Major: Spanish. (The Lord better know what He’s doin! Haha)
I deleted both my Facebook and MySpace. It was one of the best decisions I've made all year. I've rebelled against social networking and it has been completely liberating! I have a whole book's worth of reasons why, but I won't bore you. All I can say is, "DO IT!!!"
I’m not the same girl I was a year ago.
I’ve learned the precious treasure of solitude. I’ve been on two camping trips by myself. They were wonderful! Just another reason people think I’m crazy… ;) An eventual goal is to jump on a plane by myself.
I’ve come so far, but yet have so, so, so far to go…
I leave you with this…
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
Annie Dillard

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