Monday, September 8, 2008

'08 Election

I want to encourage everyone to make sure you're registered to vote and start preparing for the '08 election. I think too many of us take this too lightly. Please find out about the candidates and see where they stand on the issues you're concerned about. Don't just go by what you hear or even what I say, find out for yourselves. Another thing, please don't decide who you will vote for just by who you "relate to," who you "like," or who you think has the best campaign. Find out what the candidates stand for, what their history has been, and what they are likely to do once in office. You have a voice in the government of our country and the direction it takes. Don't think your vote doesn't count; it does.

Here are some links regarding the election that you may want to check out:

If you haven't already registered to vote, here's some information on how to register. The county circuit clerk is the voter registrar for the county. To register, you can go to the clerk's office at City Hall or mail in the application. You can obtain a mail-in voter registration form by printing from a .pdf file from this link: voter registration form. Mail-in voter registration forms are also available in many public libraries.

* Mail-in voter registration forms must be returned to your circuit clerk by mailing them or by hand delivering them to your circuit clerk’s office. A mailed voter registration form must be postmarked at least 30 days before the election. The deadline for registering in person is also 30 days before the election, which in fact is the last working day before the 30 day deadline. The mailing address to the circuit clerk's office is:

Desoto County Courthouse
Circuit Court Clerk
2535 Highway 51 South
Hernando, MS 38632

Phone: 662-429-1325

* If you are submitting a mail-in voter registration form by mail to register to vote for the first time in a county, you should submit with your application a copy of current and valid photo identification. If you do not provide a copy of identification, you may be asked to provide identification the first time you vote after registering.

* College students residing away from home while at school essentially have the option of either registering in the county where they are living while attending school or registering using the address of their parents or legal guardian.

1 comment:

Heathahlee said...

Hey Alex! I hope I didn't scare you out of our room this morning! : ) I just found your blog through the CHC Women's blog. This is such a good post...I just finished watching Sarah Palin's acceptance speech...LOVE her!